Krohne Optiflux 2300
The OPTIFLUX 2300 is an electromagnetic flowmeter (EMF) for all demanding applications with water and wastewater. The high-end meter is particularly suitable for applications requiring high accuracy and extensive diagnostics. The EMF has the widest diameter range available in the market (DN25…3000 / 1…120″) and complies with requirements for custody transfer (MID MI-001, OIML R49). The flowmeter allows for custody transfer (CT) measurement without inlet/outlet runs (0D/0D) according to OIML R49 accuracy class 1. It has a wide range of approvals for potable water. This makes the OPTIFLUX 2300 an effective alternative to mechanical water meters, not least in CT measurement of potable water.
Product highlights
- Bi-directional flow measurement over a wide dynamic range (turn down ratio: up to 1000:1)
- No inlet/outlet runs needed for OIML R49 class 1 accuracy
- Widest diameter range available in the market
- Available with patented reference electrode: cost-saving installation without grounding rings
- PP or hard rubber liner: excellent chemical resistance
- Optional for burial installation and constant flooding (IP68)
- Largest custody transfer approved diameter range
- Tamper proof
- Standard measurement accuracy: ±0.2% or ±1mm/s of measured value (MV)
- Extensive sensor and process diagnostics (incl. NE 107)
- Meets potable water standards: ACS, DVGW, NSF, TZW, KTW, WRAS, KIWA, etc.
- On-site verification of flowmeter with OPTICHECK service tool
Typical applications
- All advanced water and wastewater applications
- Custody transfer measurement
Water and wastewater industry
- Fiscal metering (custody transfer) of potable water
- Abstraction and irrigation
- Monitoring of distribution networks
- Water treatment plants (raw water, drinking water, treatment chemicals)
- Wastewater networks
- Combined and separate sewage systems
- Storm water overflows (SWOs)
- Municipal wastewater treatment plants
- Desalination plants (sea water, permeate, brine)